Friday, September 30, 2011

Drawing I: Portraits

Last week in my Drawing I class, we were told to bring in a hand-held mirror to start doing self portraits. I started off with this drawing...

I'm not too happy with how it turned out. I am still working on getting better with contour drawings. Next, my professor suggested to present ourselves with more of a challenge by trying to draw a different angle of the face (by either placing the mirror higher or lower). She also demonstrated a new technique where you draw the face using closed shapes, and fill in those shapes with lines.

This technique forces you to pay close attention to the shapes in your face and in which direction the planes go. I thought this was such an interesting way of drawing! This is the result...

 Although some of the proportions are off (like in the nose and mouth), I am so happy with how it started to turn out! Apart from the fact that I was looking at my face from a different angle, it just looks so much more edgy than the first drawing.

It could definitely use improvement (like in the line quality and proportions), but I'm excited to start practicing! For homework we have to turn in a completed self portrait using this second method.....I should probably get to work! :)

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